These big shots did all 50 levels of Riddle in Blue 'and' the 10 Bonus levels!
1 Ellie
Thanks again for a wonderful set of levels! I wish it would go on forever (or some 50 more levels) 😊.
2 Edgar
Thanks again for the fun s-t.
One of your best riddles this far!
3 Donas
Thanks for a really fun and challenging riddle,
now I can sleep!
4 LinR
5 Ceebee
Once again thank you so much Small for creating this. If you had half as much fun making as I did playing, you had fun indeed.
Congratulations to you... because once again you made a
great riddle and succeeded to provide us entertainment, challenge and laughs. It's nice to see the big group of riddle players together once again. And congratulations to all those who solved before and made it possible for me to make it to the finish line! You're all so smart! See you at the next riddle.
6 Veri
7 MishuAnubis
Very good levels, a lot of new ideas.
Waiting your next one.
8 Keeper
Thanks for this worm-free riddle, really enjoyed it and can’t wait for the next one.
Thank you so much for 10 amazing
extra levels, S-T! I never cease to marvel at the amount of thought that must go into making these. Thank you to everybody for being patient with me and my many questions, and to previous finishers who've stuck around to help others out! I will try to do the same for those still making their way to the end - after I've had a long nap and scoffed all the food from Level 50 and Bonus Level 5 :)
9 BlackFiresong
10 aaaasa
What a wonderful journey! Thank you small-tool for all the effort put into this riddle and thanks for all the help from players along the way :)
11 ShaharC
Thank you for those bonus levels.
I wish there were more of them, though it took me long enough to finish them as it is.
Looking forwards for the next riddle.
12 pipi
Great riddle!
13 Minkie2020
Brilliant. It was a lot of work to play, I can’t believe how much more work it must have been to make. Thaaaaank you S-T.
14 Fossa
I can’t imagine how much work you did for this riddle.
Thank you, SmallTool! You are the best)
15 Puffin
Thanks again for putting together such an amazing riddle game!! My brain is going to take a long rest now 😊
16 Hancock
Wow, another great one Small Tool! I've been tortured and humbled and delighted. I enjoy these so much, and my kids are showing interest too! Thank you.
17 Milena
I am happy because I finished all levels but I am sorry because there aren't any more. Thank you, small-tool for hours of fun, you are the best!
18 Mtatt100
Thanks for the riddle, your mastery of English always amazes me !!!
You always leave me speechless. All I can say is
thank you. Thank you for this huge and wonderful
job. Thanks for your time. Thanks for the fun. Thanks for the challenge. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. You're the best !!! I hope to suffer again soon .... nah, just kidding, I love this kind of suffering and I can't wait for your next riddle 😊
19 Puzzled
That was an amazing, epic journey! Thanks so
much for making this riddle (and thanks to
everyone who offered hints and helped me out when I was stuck!)
Now to give my brain a rest until the next one.
20 Laurie W
Wonderful riddle! Great work;
thank you so much.
And the Oscar for Best Supporting Cast goes to all the
Super Mentally Acute Learned Leaders-Taking Others Over the Line!!
21 Patty3Ponies
Once a brick, once a statue,
now dyed in a blue paint.
This journey is over, riddle lovers, until again shall we be back with.
A praise for the maker, who seeks for the better, harder riddle academia.
Huge gratitude to all of you, I was late, but with your aids, I reached destination.
Still missing obvious, blind in some spots, hope to improve a lot in your next work.
Lastly, for a change, have you notice something strange in the lasts?
22 Namchokdef
23 Robin
Thanks for another great riddle !!!
Look forward to your next one !!
Great riddle! Glad to have
made it (with the assistance
of everyone)! Also glad to have my life back! Why do you make these so damn addicting? Just kidding! As always, thanks for the riddle and I look forward (patiently, of course) to the next one.
24 Sweet Meat (Chael)
25 Molly Lena
Thank you for the riddle ... and for the help that without them I would not have been able to do it ...greetings!!
26 Pichi
Thank you all for the hints without them it would not be over, and thanks to small-tool for this nice, entertaining and difficult, sometimes riddle! Thanks!
The end is always bittersweet. Been chasing it
for a week and once here, I don't really want to let go of this fantastic riddle. Thank you for yet another amazing riddle with brilliant levels!
27 Namnet
28 Jay
It was a great challenge to get through the levels and
I needed lots of help but it was great fun as well!
I so appreciate how much effort you put
into making each level challenging and
unique! Wonderful job. I always look forward to new riddle games and yours are the BEST! Thank you so much!
29 BucksDack
Thanks for a great journey
through all levels, many
thanks to riddlers that helped me! See you soon.
30 Vaggelis (The artist)
31 Vikkih152
Thank you, so much, for hours of brilliant fun... an amazing riddle 🙂
32 Flowerbird
I really do like your riddles, just amazing! TNX
33 Little H
As if 50 levels weren’t enough you treated us to 10 more. Thank you so much.
34 Dutchie
I finally found my way out of the Blue riddle :)
Thanks Small, for taking the time and effort to make those brilliant riddles for us.
I hope you never will run out of ideas, looking forward to the next masterpiece :)
35 Marc
uff da!! So this is what the Big Shot's Ballroom looks like... :)
Reading all previous comments: Brilliant, Very Good, Epic, Wonderful, Great Challenge, Excellent. What more can I say? Those all express what this riddle is!!
Also... I think I should get an honorable mention for finishing last place. :P
36 Premiere
Everything is solved - everything is said - until next time...! ♥
37 Joyce
All superlativs have been said. All I can do is agree!
38 Jan
I have finally arrived at final destination.
I don't hurry and proceeded one level each day.
It was a very long and enjoyable journey.
I would like to thank small-tool and My Japanese friend.😃
"Thank you"😄
39 Jpete
I finally made it! Thanks for the great game.
Thanks Small Tool for another great set of riddles.
Has taken me a long time, but finally finished. Already looking forward to the next one. Thanks to everyone who left comments and help me get through some of the levels.
40 Di999
Finally, I can't believe it!!! I was lost
sometimes, your genius riddles drove me mad. But it really worth it! Thank you very much S-T, the greatest riddle designer in the world! And thanks to brilliant players whose hints enlightened me during time of losing hope and despair!
41 Alina Latipova
"Thank-you Small-tool. That was brilliant. It has taken me
three days short of three months to finish, but I loved every day of trying, failing, laughing, having fun, doing everything wrong, making up my own brilliant fails, making up my own hints. SO MUCH FUN. x"
42 Clio
Thank you ever so much for your Riddle in Blue. It kept me from
panicking during this horrific pandemic. And the clever hints from all your fans at EscapeGames 24 kept me from panicking that I would never complete the riddle, especially on the levels where I spent days trying to come up with answers.
43 Iff
Thanks Small Tool for such a great set of riddles. The amount of work and creativity you put into this was spectacular. It took me a long time, but I finally finished.
Thanks to everyone who left comments to get through some of the levels. Looking forward to the next one.
44 Fosterhewitt
45 Bine
Thank you once again for a wonderful riddle.
Keep on going please.
46 umsyt
Just when I thought it couldn't get more twisted. Thanks for the bonus blue brain breakers.
47 Dushka
I look forward to new journeys in your world. Thank you.